Art Fundamentals - Composition
Updated: Apr 22, 2020

Action of dividing page or canvas into a 3x3 grid.
Avoid placing focal point in centre of canvas, or horizontal/vertical lines in the centre. This splits your canvas equally.
Intersecting points are ideal focal points.

Human Condition
As humans we are accustomed to symmetry, and thus pairs.
In psychological terms: Equal = Closure

Rule of odds states that object that are on their lonesome drag more attention from the onlooker than those in pairs.
The lone Pear causes the onlooker to pay attention to it...
The pear that has no partner causes the onlooker to almost feel pity for it...
At the same time, the onlooker offers little to no attention towards the pears that are partnered up...
This rule is about focusing on overall balance - keeping the image harmonious.
Unbalanced works will risk throwing the viewer off the canvas.

Symmetry - Same on both sides, it's clearly creating balance.

Scales - Think of tonal mass like weights on a scale, the paper being the scales. If one side feels heavier, it risks being unbalanced.

Position - Slight changes in scale, and elevation can help to restore balance.

Shapes - Quadrangular shapes are heavier than round ones, so placing circle restores balance.

This rule is about creating a sense of space the viewer can move through.
For example, where action is depicted, there has to be space for it...
In a visual novel, or cutscene, the character will be placed at one side with space around them to indicate the way they are moving or the direction they are talking, this applies in art also.

The rule is the idea of not overwhelming the viewer. keep things simple with a small amount of focal point - not overwhelming detail everywhere.
Too much detail can cause eye fatigue - and feel like mayhem for your viewer, over powering them.
Photos for each of the rules.