Art Fundamentals - Perspective
Updated: Apr 22, 2020
One-point Perspective
One point perspective is useful for drawing rooms and objects on walls.
As shown below it works with one vanishing point and using construction lines coming from the vanishing point.
the horizon line is placed to show the eye level and everything below is below eye level allowing you to see the top of them and everything above is above eye level allowing you to see the bottom of them.
Two-Point Perspective
Two point perspective uses two vanishing points on the horizon line which shows eye level.
Construction lines are drawn from both points and connect with a vertical line facing you as opposed to the flat face in one point perspective.
This perspective is used for making cities from a eye level close to them. Three point perspective can be used for sky scrapers in cities and will be shown next.
Three-point Perspective
Three point perspective uses two vanishing points on the horizon line with a third vanishing point placed below the horizon line that the drawing converges on.
In this example the objects are skyscrapers and the third vanishing point is where the floor is.